[in no particular order]
- My Joshy coming home from his deployment.
- Graduating with a BA in Psychology.
- Reaching goal weight.
- Moving out and moving in with my honey.
- Hanging out and bonding with friends.
that is it for now. LOL.
December 31, 2010
Day Four: Write about a period of time in your life where things seemed to be constantly going good.
To be completely honest...this year, 2010, is a period in my life where everything went constantly amazing. Today is the last day of an amazingly great year and all the amazingness will continue on into 2011...I can feel it.
Hello, hello.
My darling Joshy called me a couple of times yesterday (now that it is Friday early morning - 12am, I have to refer to yesterday. LOL).
Finally when we spoke there was no lag. Just hearing his voice made my heart ache. I miss him so much. We have about 2.5 months to go and as of right now my honey has been away for a total of 111 days. I am so happy that the days go by quickly. His homecoming is going to be absolutely amazing.
Currently he is in Bahrain.
I miss his face! I have not seen any recent photos of him. Well, just the one from the November birthdays dinner they had on his ship. Their Facebook page had an album and he was in a couple of photos.
Gaaaaaah I wish he were home right now! It is New Years Eve and I want to kiss him at midnight. Le sigh.
Our first NYE and we are not with each other. I am sad about that but I just have to keep telling myself that he is serving our country and fighting for our freedom. I am very proud of him.
I think I am going to sleep now. I do not plan on getting up early. I will force myself to sleep in. LOL.
Finally when we spoke there was no lag. Just hearing his voice made my heart ache. I miss him so much. We have about 2.5 months to go and as of right now my honey has been away for a total of 111 days. I am so happy that the days go by quickly. His homecoming is going to be absolutely amazing.
Currently he is in Bahrain.
I miss his face! I have not seen any recent photos of him. Well, just the one from the November birthdays dinner they had on his ship. Their Facebook page had an album and he was in a couple of photos.
Gaaaaaah I wish he were home right now! It is New Years Eve and I want to kiss him at midnight. Le sigh.
Our first NYE and we are not with each other. I am sad about that but I just have to keep telling myself that he is serving our country and fighting for our freedom. I am very proud of him.
I think I am going to sleep now. I do not plan on getting up early. I will force myself to sleep in. LOL.
Fashion Statement.
It was super cold in the house so I decided to bundle up. I just grabbed whatever from my closet. I didn't care for matching clothing. LOL. My dear Dad unit said - "It's going to be 2011...no one matches anymore."
That was an awesome moment. Hahaha.
That was an awesome moment. Hahaha.
December 30, 2010
My NYE Dress.
Sooo below is a picture of me in my NYE dress. I took the picture in my Broski's room since his room is the only one with a huge mirror. Hahaha. I still cannot decide if I am going to wear boots or heals. The shoes I am wearing in the picture belong to my Mother. I just wanted to see what I look like with heels. LOL. So far two of my cousins said boots and my Mother and twin aunts said heels. Hahaha. I am going to hit up the mall tonight and browse for shoes and then I'll decide. Oh and yah that is my boy Bailey hanging around. Hahaha.

Day Three: If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you want to do?
I am not the kind of person that will do something extremely outrageous if I only had 24hrs to live. I wouldnt go sky diving because I'm gonna die anyway...why speed up the process? LOL. I wouldn't go out and splurge money on things that I wouldn't be able to use.
I honestly would like to spend my last day of life at home surrounded by the people that I love...and love me in return. That is what I would want...to just cherish the last moments with my loved ones in laughter, smiles, love and happiness before leaving this life. That would be enough for me.
I honestly would like to spend my last day of life at home surrounded by the people that I love...and love me in return. That is what I would want...to just cherish the last moments with my loved ones in laughter, smiles, love and happiness before leaving this life. That would be enough for me.
December 29, 2010
Text Message.
I received a text message last night from one of my Psychology girls - my bff4l Lily. I knocked out early so I didn't read it until this morning, it brought a smile on my face after I read it. She is a beautiful person both inside and out and I am blessed to call her one of my lifetime friends =)
Text Message:
Jessie, I'm sitting at work logged in on FB. I went to your profile, and saw that you posted a link to your blog. I was really touched to see all that you've written on it. You're truly an amazing beautiful person. It was very insightful, and made me feel blessed to call you my friend. Hang in there Jessie. This wait is only making you stronger in ways that you may not see now. Your relationship with your Joshy as you call him lol Is deeper than most people that date for years can dream of achieving. True love waits in many respects, and one day you'll look back at this and simply smile. I just felt like sharing that with you. I miss you and may our tea/coffee date arrive soon. Love ya dear friend :)
Text Message:
Jessie, I'm sitting at work logged in on FB. I went to your profile, and saw that you posted a link to your blog. I was really touched to see all that you've written on it. You're truly an amazing beautiful person. It was very insightful, and made me feel blessed to call you my friend. Hang in there Jessie. This wait is only making you stronger in ways that you may not see now. Your relationship with your Joshy as you call him lol Is deeper than most people that date for years can dream of achieving. True love waits in many respects, and one day you'll look back at this and simply smile. I just felt like sharing that with you. I miss you and may our tea/coffee date arrive soon. Love ya dear friend :)
Day Two: Write about the best friends you’ve had over the years.
What is a best friend? To me the definition of a best friend is very vague. I mean best friends come and go. I believe in true lifetime friends. Those friends that you make in life that will be with through out your lifetime. For the sake of this 30 day challenge I'll refer to them as my besties/best friend, but I really mean lifetime friends =)
Hmmm where should I begin?? I guess I’ll start with my besties from the 6th grade and on.
Alison and Eleanor - Ali, we have known each other since we were toddlers. My Grandmother used to babysit us. We didn’t become friends until I moved to Zamorano Elementary for the 6th grade. Eleanor, I met in 6th grade with Ali. We became an instant trio. Our friendship went on through junior high and high school. Eleanor went to a different high school than Ali and me. But we still kept in touch and hung out whenever we could. Then college came around and I left for San Francisco State University. We grew apart for a few years. Now that we are in our mid twenties we have rekindled the friendship. Well, more so Ali and I have rekindled our friendship. Eleanor got married and we hear from her once in a blue moon. I love them mucho.
April and Elena - my San Francisco State University besties! We are still friends to this day! We try to keep in touch but we all have busy lives. Plus it has been hard since I’ve been back in San Diego. They are awesome gals. I miss them!
My Psychology Girls - I met these girls a little over a year ago. We had majority of our psych classes together. I love them! They are amazing women. Even though we get busy with life, work, relationships and kids, we are still close. No matter time and distance we always pick up where we left off. They still manage to contact me and find out how I am doing. And I do the same to them. Truly lifetime friends.
Ra- my bestie. What can I say about this guy? He is RAWRsome! LOL. He is always there for me when I need a shoulder to lean on. We did go through some tough times with our friendship, but I do believe it made our friendship stronger. He is a true best friend. He is a lifetime friend =)
Joshy, my honeybee - My best friend, my soulmate, my companion, my love. He is my everything. He is the love of my life. <3 There are not enough words to describe how I feel for this man. He is all around amazing. I love him for who he is and everything he stands for. I love my Sailor <3
Hmmm where should I begin?? I guess I’ll start with my besties from the 6th grade and on.
Alison and Eleanor - Ali, we have known each other since we were toddlers. My Grandmother used to babysit us. We didn’t become friends until I moved to Zamorano Elementary for the 6th grade. Eleanor, I met in 6th grade with Ali. We became an instant trio. Our friendship went on through junior high and high school. Eleanor went to a different high school than Ali and me. But we still kept in touch and hung out whenever we could. Then college came around and I left for San Francisco State University. We grew apart for a few years. Now that we are in our mid twenties we have rekindled the friendship. Well, more so Ali and I have rekindled our friendship. Eleanor got married and we hear from her once in a blue moon. I love them mucho.
April and Elena - my San Francisco State University besties! We are still friends to this day! We try to keep in touch but we all have busy lives. Plus it has been hard since I’ve been back in San Diego. They are awesome gals. I miss them!
My Psychology Girls - I met these girls a little over a year ago. We had majority of our psych classes together. I love them! They are amazing women. Even though we get busy with life, work, relationships and kids, we are still close. No matter time and distance we always pick up where we left off. They still manage to contact me and find out how I am doing. And I do the same to them. Truly lifetime friends.
Ra- my bestie. What can I say about this guy? He is RAWRsome! LOL. He is always there for me when I need a shoulder to lean on. We did go through some tough times with our friendship, but I do believe it made our friendship stronger. He is a true best friend. He is a lifetime friend =)
Joshy, my honeybee - My best friend, my soulmate, my companion, my love. He is my everything. He is the love of my life. <3 There are not enough words to describe how I feel for this man. He is all around amazing. I love him for who he is and everything he stands for. I love my Sailor <3
December 28, 2010
Day One: 15 Facts About Me
Random Facts!!
1) My favorite color is purple.
2) I secretly want to be an undercover ninja.
3) I wear a promise ring.
4) In relation to #3 - I am still a virgin and I am not ashamed to say it.
5) I had my first boyfriend at age 20.
6) I started dating again at age 25.
7) I have met and am with the love of my life and he is the one I have been saving myself for =)
8) I like rootbeer floats.
9) I love bows and anchors.
10) I love having short hair.
11) I lost 70 lbs.
12) I want to be an officer in the Navy.
13) I am a bag/purse whore.
14) I wear makeup to look like I’m not wearing makeup.
15) I love Hello Kitty.
1) My favorite color is purple.
2) I secretly want to be an undercover ninja.
3) I wear a promise ring.
4) In relation to #3 - I am still a virgin and I am not ashamed to say it.
5) I had my first boyfriend at age 20.
6) I started dating again at age 25.
7) I have met and am with the love of my life and he is the one I have been saving myself for =)
8) I like rootbeer floats.
9) I love bows and anchors.
10) I love having short hair.
11) I lost 70 lbs.
12) I want to be an officer in the Navy.
13) I am a bag/purse whore.
14) I wear makeup to look like I’m not wearing makeup.
15) I love Hello Kitty.
30 Day Challenge
30 Day Challenge - ACCEPTED
From: heckyahtumblrchallenges.tumblr.com
1) Post 15 facts about yourself.
2) Write about the best friends you’ve had over the years.
3) If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you want to do?
4) Write about a period of time in your life where things seemed to be constantly going good.
5) Write about a period of time in your life where things were not so good.
6) When was the last time you were truly honest with someone? What was it about?
7) Post your favorite quote.
8) How do you feel today?
9) What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?
10) What’s the meanest thing anyone has ever said to you?
11) Write about the best day of your life.
12) Write about the worst day of your life.
13) What are your plans for the future? Far and near.
14) Post your favorite book, favorite movie, favorite band, and favorite food.
15) Write about something you worry about a lot.
16) Write about your relationship status.
17) Bullet your day.
18) Post one confession/ secret.
19) Write about your last birthday and how you plan to spend your upcoming birthday.
20) What did you eat today?
21) How has your life changed over the past year?
22) Find a horoscope site and post yours.
23) Post your Tumblr crushes.
24) How was your week been?
25) Write about your first kiss.
26) Write about your best/ favorite kiss.
27) Where is somewhere you would want to visit?
28) If you had three wishes, what would they be?
29) Write about any particular habits/mannerisms that you have.
30) Where do you think you’ll be in 5 years?
From: heckyahtumblrchallenges.tumblr.com
1) Post 15 facts about yourself.
2) Write about the best friends you’ve had over the years.
3) If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you want to do?
4) Write about a period of time in your life where things seemed to be constantly going good.
5) Write about a period of time in your life where things were not so good.
6) When was the last time you were truly honest with someone? What was it about?
7) Post your favorite quote.
8) How do you feel today?
9) What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?
10) What’s the meanest thing anyone has ever said to you?
11) Write about the best day of your life.
12) Write about the worst day of your life.
13) What are your plans for the future? Far and near.
14) Post your favorite book, favorite movie, favorite band, and favorite food.
15) Write about something you worry about a lot.
16) Write about your relationship status.
17) Bullet your day.
18) Post one confession/ secret.
19) Write about your last birthday and how you plan to spend your upcoming birthday.
20) What did you eat today?
21) How has your life changed over the past year?
22) Find a horoscope site and post yours.
23) Post your Tumblr crushes.
24) How was your week been?
25) Write about your first kiss.
26) Write about your best/ favorite kiss.
27) Where is somewhere you would want to visit?
28) If you had three wishes, what would they be?
29) Write about any particular habits/mannerisms that you have.
30) Where do you think you’ll be in 5 years?
December 22, 2010
2010 Favorites!
I was inspired by my bestie to blog about 2010 Favorite Things. I was going to make it all shnazzy with pictures like The Ryan Wears Prada...but I don't feel like sitting here for a long time hunting for pics. I still gotta workout! So I am just going to list them. Well...its not even a long list. LOL.
Here I go...
Here I go...
- My 2010 Toyota Venza - Vinnie
- Moleskine Journals
- My MacBook Pro
- My iPhone
- My Promise Ring with J&J 06.14.2010 engraved on the inside
- Treadmill & Elliptical
That is pretty much for the material things I guess. LOL.
The things that really made 2010 a great year...
- Meeting and being with my soulmate, my bestfriend, my companion, the love of my life - Joshua.
- My Family being healthy and happy.
- My close circle of friends that are still in my life =)
- Being healthy for once in my life
- Building a relationship with God
- Being alive to live each day with my love, family & friends.
I look forward to 2011. It is going to be one of the best years ever. I can feel it in my bones.
December 18, 2010
Sad Panda.
I am a sad panda right now. Golly I miss my Joshy so much. Less than 50% to go...and my honeybee will be home.
One more day passed is another day closer to the love of my life coming home <3
One more day passed is another day closer to the love of my life coming home <3
December 14, 2010
6 Lovely Months.
Today, the love of my life and I have been together officially for 6 months. The picture above is one of our first photos taken together.
(Yess I am going into cheeseball mode. LOL.)
My love for him grows more and more each day. I have my soulmate, my companion, my bestfriend, my love...
God has truly blessed me with an amazing man. He is my everything.
I love Joshua Matthew Miller
06.14.2010 <3
December 04, 2010
Super Fun Saturday
Let me start from the moment I woke up this morning...
I woke up around 6:30ish this morning which kind of sucked. I try to sleep in, but I am so used to waking up early that I automatically wake up between 6 and 7 every weekend.
I did a 30 minute run on my good ol' treadmill. It was a good run.
I got ready and waited for Mom and Broski to get ready and waited for uncle Sonny and auntie Alps to arrive.
We had lunch at Onami. OMGOLLY! It was sooooo goooood. I love sooooosheeeeee. Then we hit up Mission Valley and Plaza Bonita.
I did buy a dress to wear on Christmas!! It is absolutely adorable. I cannot wait to wear it. All I need are shoes and my outfit is complete =)
Now we are watching The Sorcerer's Apprentice.
Fun times with mi familia.
My honeybee called me today while we were at Mission Valley mall. I first missed his call and I was sooooo upset. I held on to my phone and hoped he would call back...aaaannnnnnd he DID!! I was so happy. We talked a good 10 minutes. It was 3 something Sunday morning for him. He sounded so tired. I didn't want to keep him up for so long. We said our I love you's and I miss you's. It was just amazing to hear his voice. I miss him so much. I LOVE HIM WITH ALL MY HEART <3
I cannot wait for the day when we are reunited.
I ate waaaay too much today. Ugh. I only ate once but it was mucho soooosheeeee. LOL. It is okay though. Tomorrow is a new day!
I will workout hardcore after church tomorrow.
I also still have a whole lotta homework. Oy vey.
I woke up around 6:30ish this morning which kind of sucked. I try to sleep in, but I am so used to waking up early that I automatically wake up between 6 and 7 every weekend.
I did a 30 minute run on my good ol' treadmill. It was a good run.
I got ready and waited for Mom and Broski to get ready and waited for uncle Sonny and auntie Alps to arrive.
We had lunch at Onami. OMGOLLY! It was sooooo goooood. I love sooooosheeeeee. Then we hit up Mission Valley and Plaza Bonita.
I did buy a dress to wear on Christmas!! It is absolutely adorable. I cannot wait to wear it. All I need are shoes and my outfit is complete =)
Now we are watching The Sorcerer's Apprentice.
Fun times with mi familia.
My honeybee called me today while we were at Mission Valley mall. I first missed his call and I was sooooo upset. I held on to my phone and hoped he would call back...aaaannnnnnd he DID!! I was so happy. We talked a good 10 minutes. It was 3 something Sunday morning for him. He sounded so tired. I didn't want to keep him up for so long. We said our I love you's and I miss you's. It was just amazing to hear his voice. I miss him so much. I LOVE HIM WITH ALL MY HEART <3
I cannot wait for the day when we are reunited.
I ate waaaay too much today. Ugh. I only ate once but it was mucho soooosheeeee. LOL. It is okay though. Tomorrow is a new day!
I will workout hardcore after church tomorrow.
I also still have a whole lotta homework. Oy vey.
December 03, 2010
A Very Mellow Friday Night
-Watching Forbidden Kingdom
-Sitting on my favorite spot on the couch.
-MBP on lap.
-Wearing ginormous sweat pants and huge Morse High School field hockey hoodie.
-Mom, Broski and Bailey all sitting around the couch as well.
--awesome Friday night indeed.
Today went by rather quickly [thank goodness!!]. Each day that goes by is another day closer to the love of my life coming home.
We are almost at the half way mark. As of today he has been gone a total of 83 days. Golly gee I miss him so much. I haven't seen his face in almost three months! He sees mine almost all the time. HAHA! I send him short video messages via email every now and then and then there is Facebook. LOL.
I love him so very much.
Tomorrow should be a fun day. Hopefully it does not rain. My uncle is coming over to do his laundry and then we are all going to Mt. Laguna and Mt. Julian to hangout and take pictures. Yay for family fun photoshoots. LOL. I just want to dress up and get all dolled up.
I am in a blogging mood. But what to blog about? I really need to get into writing on certain topics to make my blog more interesting.
I'd post pictures but I hardly use my DSLR nowadays...only because my Mother took it from me. HAH! I do plan on investing in another DSLR. I think I will get a Nikon =)
Ooo I have one more month and I can upgrade to an iPhone 4. I am pretty stoked! I am thinking about going to AT&T and see if they can upgrade me early. I mean it is only a month.
Also, I am thinking about getting another phone but with Sprint. My plan is to get a phone plan for Joshy and me. That way when he is away he can call anytime and of course no charge. I like the HTC Evo. Oh and the monthly is way cheaper. So I am going to look into that.
What else? I guess I am done. HAH! Seriously...my next blog post will be more interesting. Scouts honor.
-Sitting on my favorite spot on the couch.
-MBP on lap.
-Wearing ginormous sweat pants and huge Morse High School field hockey hoodie.
-Mom, Broski and Bailey all sitting around the couch as well.
--awesome Friday night indeed.
Today went by rather quickly [thank goodness!!]. Each day that goes by is another day closer to the love of my life coming home.
We are almost at the half way mark. As of today he has been gone a total of 83 days. Golly gee I miss him so much. I haven't seen his face in almost three months! He sees mine almost all the time. HAHA! I send him short video messages via email every now and then and then there is Facebook. LOL.
I love him so very much.
Tomorrow should be a fun day. Hopefully it does not rain. My uncle is coming over to do his laundry and then we are all going to Mt. Laguna and Mt. Julian to hangout and take pictures. Yay for family fun photoshoots. LOL. I just want to dress up and get all dolled up.
I am in a blogging mood. But what to blog about? I really need to get into writing on certain topics to make my blog more interesting.
I'd post pictures but I hardly use my DSLR nowadays...only because my Mother took it from me. HAH! I do plan on investing in another DSLR. I think I will get a Nikon =)
Ooo I have one more month and I can upgrade to an iPhone 4. I am pretty stoked! I am thinking about going to AT&T and see if they can upgrade me early. I mean it is only a month.
Also, I am thinking about getting another phone but with Sprint. My plan is to get a phone plan for Joshy and me. That way when he is away he can call anytime and of course no charge. I like the HTC Evo. Oh and the monthly is way cheaper. So I am going to look into that.
What else? I guess I am done. HAH! Seriously...my next blog post will be more interesting. Scouts honor.
December 02, 2010
Mirror, mirror...
THANK YOU to my lovely cousin Camille [worth-.tumbr.com] for helping me in this time of low self-esteem.
Yes I admit these past few weeks have been hell on my health. I've been obsessing with weight and just pushing myself past my limits to reach an unrealistic goal. I know I should be happy in that I lost 70 lbs in the course of one year and managed to keep it off. But I am still not satisfied...I am not happy with my body. I have yet to learn to love myself and until I do that, I will forever be pushing for an image that is just not me.
She texted me today to read -- 1Peter 3:3-5
Your beauty should not come from
outward adornment, such as braided hair and
the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes.
Instead, it should be that of your inner self,
the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet
spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.
For this is the way the holy women of the past
who put their hope in God used to make
themselves beautiful.
That passage just opened up my eyes and I saw things in a whole new light. I have been focusing so much on how I NEED to be at a certain weight in order to feel/be beautiful that I have completely disregarded my inner worth.
To love yourself is to love God...
...and God has blessed me so much.
I have a man in my life that loves me for me and for everything that I am. He tells me that I am beautiful both inside and out. And I thank God for He has blessed me with the love of my life - Joshua Matthew Miller.
I have a wonderful and loving family that supports me in everything.
I have amazing friends and our friendships will last a lifetime.
Happiness and love is all around me.
It is time to be happy and love myself for who I am. Only God can define me and no one else [Thank you Camille...I love you!!].
Yes I admit these past few weeks have been hell on my health. I've been obsessing with weight and just pushing myself past my limits to reach an unrealistic goal. I know I should be happy in that I lost 70 lbs in the course of one year and managed to keep it off. But I am still not satisfied...I am not happy with my body. I have yet to learn to love myself and until I do that, I will forever be pushing for an image that is just not me.
She texted me today to read -- 1Peter 3:3-5
Your beauty should not come from
outward adornment, such as braided hair and
the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes.
Instead, it should be that of your inner self,
the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet
spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.
For this is the way the holy women of the past
who put their hope in God used to make
themselves beautiful.
That passage just opened up my eyes and I saw things in a whole new light. I have been focusing so much on how I NEED to be at a certain weight in order to feel/be beautiful that I have completely disregarded my inner worth.
To love yourself is to love God...
...and God has blessed me so much.
I have a man in my life that loves me for me and for everything that I am. He tells me that I am beautiful both inside and out. And I thank God for He has blessed me with the love of my life - Joshua Matthew Miller.
I have a wonderful and loving family that supports me in everything.
I have amazing friends and our friendships will last a lifetime.
Happiness and love is all around me.
It is time to be happy and love myself for who I am. Only God can define me and no one else [Thank you Camille...I love you!!].
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