
September 29, 2010

Hollah fo updates!!

I know I said I would update this blog on a regular basis. And I have yet to actually do that. So here is a little update on these past few days...

I have been in court for about a week and a half. Jury duty is interesting. The end. Hahahaha.

School is cool. Almost done!!!!!! Only three classes left [I think?]. LOL. I just know that I will be completely done either December or January. I need to check my degree progress report.

My Joshy called me last Sunday morning. It was so great to hear his voice. At first I thought I was dreaming because he called a little bit before 5am. I kinda tear'd up a little. Hahahaha. I miss him so much. He totally made my day. He is doing well. =]

Also PIFA was over the weekend. I went on Sunday with my auntie Alpha. It was tons of fun. I got two shades darker and I now have major tan lines. LOL!! Mr. Sun was booming over the weekend and it felt like Summer.

Mmmm that is pretty much it I guess. Nothing too exciting. The main highlight was the phone call from my sailor. I miss him so much.


September 28, 2010

September 23, 2010

Sitting & Waiting.

I am still at the courthouse. And they are still picking jurors. I was lucky enough to be in the last group where they will pick the 12 jurors [major sarcasm]. Bleh.

As I am sitting here with my iPhone...I am left with my thoughts. So I figured I might as well put my thoughts in a blog entry.

Well I think I will pick one topic that is currently floating in my head and that is - how do you know if certain people are meant to be in your life or not? For instance there are a few people that I have been there for 100% but when I need someone they aren't there for me. It's like they totally brushed me off. So are they meant to be in my life or not? At first I was kind of bummed about it. I thought there must have been something I did. But now I'm pretty much whatever about it. Hahaha. Oh well is my mindset right now.

I will always be there for them. If they need a friend I will be there. It is okay if they aren't there for me. It's not the end of the world. LOL.

My question cannot really be answered. God is the only one that decides if someone is supposed to be in my life or not. I'll leave it all up to Him. He is the homie and he knows whassup. Hahaha.

Okay so that is that. Hahaha.

Mann oh mann I really miss my Joshy. It is day 12 of his deployment. I am counting the days until my sailor returns <3


September 22, 2010

My Sailor <3

Photo courtesy of -

Something New.

Ahhh yess a brand new blog. The design of my blog is still a work in progress. I want to make it look pretty nifty...but that requires some good sit down time. Which I will have after this week. For now what you see will do. Haha.

I decided to start a new blog because there are a plethora of new things happening in my life...and what a better way of sharing them than to start a brand new blog. Hollerific!

I am pretty excited to start blogging. Like for real blogging. HAH!

My next post will be a real one. Promise!